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Tiny token empires wineskin

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We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation." Edain McCoy We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers. "When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The first time I called myself a 'Witch' was the most magical moment of my life." Margot Adler. "We should educate people that 'Witch' is not evil but ancient and positive. He disapproved of Wiccan soldiers being given the same religious rights as others in the military. Interviewed on ABC's Good Morning America, 1999-JUN-24. I would hope the military officials would take a second look at the decision they made." G.W. Our bible IS the wind and the rain." Herbalist Carol McGrath as told to her by a Native-American woman. "If you take the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. We are much more similar to you than you think."Margot Adler Just give us the same right we give you-to live in peace. We are not what you think we are from looking at T.V. We have families, jobs, hopes, and dreams.

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SOME SUPPLIES THAT YOU MAY NEED IN YOUR PRACTICE: Their purpose is to express in brief compass, something of your essential relationship with the Cosmos. One for the in-breath, & one for the out-breath. You will need two mantrams to use together. Formulate each single word in your mind, with no vocalization or moment of the mouth. Retaining awareness of your breathing & of the light, silently utter mantrams - phrases or single words which you feel to be suited to your meditation. If your attention is still straying, use the same technique as above, focus on your breathing. Be aware of the light, of it being illuminated, & let be with you. (The mind is said to wander every 10 seconds, practice the first stage until you have it down).Įntering into the second stage of the meditation, on an in-breath be aware of a nebulous radiation of golden light, which is also radiation of love, from just below your sturnum, forming a cloud midway between your navel & your chin.

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Breathe in an even, gentle manner, with medium sized breaths. Lower your gaze, fixing it upon your navel. Aromatherapy or candles may help calm or relax you into a better state for practice. Find somewhere for your hands to rest comfortably - you must sit still. Please sit in a comfortable position, wearing loose clothing.

Tiny token empires wineskin